March 4, 2003

A New Beginning

So, here we are again. Maybe some of you will remember my last web site (yes, both of you) which was online 2 years ago, and for those who know little or nothing about me, this will hopefully serve as a hasty introduction. Since then, a lot has happened. I acquired a fantastic job at Power Design (which the first web site helped me get) and now reside there as Assistant Art Director. I currently live in Conshohocken, PA but will be relocating to scenic Philadelphia in the fall. I am still involved in BREDSTIK Entertainment with some good friends and am currently hip-deep in working on the site’s redesign. I stumbled my way into a relationship with an incredible girl, and have since been graciously free-loading at her apartment.

With all of that said, welcome to the new version of my site. I have been losing sleep for weeks to finish this damn thing, and I can’t describe my excitement. Contained within you will find some little tidbits about me in the appropriately named “About” section including all of the junk I read, watch and listen to. The “Portfolio” section houses some selections of my design work (the bulk of which was done at Power Design), and the “Photography” section is pretty much just there to give me motivation to take more photos. Hopefully in the future there will be a “Sketchbook” section as well, for similar reasons. If this were a perfect world my site would be updated frequently. Such not being the case, I have supplied this lovely little blog to tide you over (which is being used as a means to motivate me to write more). You may be saying to yourself, “Jason, you are an unmotivated, hateful person”. I can assure you this is not the case. I motivated myself enough to make this site dammit! I just wanted a venue to display and talk about anything I may be up to, even if the only people who are interested in my dull life are related to me. It’s always easier that way.

Well, that’s about it. I hope you enjoy whatever is to come. Please leave some comments below about your love and/or hatred for me. Enjoy!

Commentary (8):

1. Liz says… mar 4, 2003 | 11:39 am

Free loading is right!!!!!! It looks awesome, all those late nights paid off!

2. ROb Weychert says… mar 4, 2003 | 11:40 am

Allow me to be the first to offer congratulations. The site looks great! However, I recently spoke to the W3C, and they’re not too thrilled about you having your own site. Sorry, it’s gotta come down.

3. Kevin Cornell says… mar 4, 2003 | 11:45 am

Good Job, Jason. Simple, yet just the right amount of details to make it interesting.

4. maryanah says… mar 4, 2003 | 12:48 pm

yer site is pretty. i especially dig your photography, despite the lack of monkey presence. go you ^__^

5. Tom Schantz says… mar 4, 2003 | 6:27 pm

You are alive! And a fellow Sedaris fan!!
I am talking with his agent to bring him to your alma mater in ‘04.

6. Peter Santa Maria says… mar 4, 2003 | 9:04 pm


7. liz says… mar 5, 2003 | 1:43 pm

new day, no new entry? hmmmm.

8. el bandelin says… mar 7, 2003 | 5:35 pm

Watch for mr santa maria appearing on VH1 june 2003.