April 6, 2004

Site of the Month at WSA!

It seems the fine folks at the Web Standards Awards have seen fit to bestow me with the March “Site of the Month” Award (also known as the “Golden Star”) for this very site. Last month I was awarded the Silver Star, and must say that I am entirely floored to be recognized among such great company. Perhaps an even greater honor are the kind words put forth from Eric Meyer. This is a personal high-five for me, not only because he is one of the CSS grandaddies, but simply because I took my first crack at CSS a few years ago aided by his O’Reilly book, Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide.

Also, congratulations to WSA for being added to the cool-kid’s lunch table at Wellvetted, which has also garnered me the slot as their upcoming monthly pick. Man, when it rains it pours… or at least it produces a prolonged drizzle.

Commentary (8):

1. Kevin says… apr 6, 2004 | 9:23 am

You’ve come a long way from that “easiest-lay” award you got in prison.

2. niff says… apr 6, 2004 | 10:06 am

congrates stan! im so looking forward to seeing these “awards” some time tonight. wink wink.

3. Todd says… apr 6, 2004 | 10:07 am

Big congrats to you Jason! It’s well deserved…you have a great site here.

4. RJ Hampden says… apr 6, 2004 | 10:38 am

Hey, great job…
…maybe you mention my site to the judges…

5. PeterSantaMaria says… apr 6, 2004 | 11:23 am


6. DCohen says… apr 7, 2004 | 10:29 am

hey, duder, this site ROXZXXXXXORs

I really like it an congratulations.

7. Phil says… apr 7, 2004 | 1:09 pm

Congrats, man, and well-deserved. Your site is a great demonstration that CSS-based sites can also show off good design. It makes me want to be a better designer.

8. Robert says… apr 14, 2004 | 4:42 pm

Jason, congrats - I would not have known of this site if it weren’t for the award. Your photos and their interface are something I like quite a lot. Good.