April 12, 2005

Sutter Undead

Sutter Undead

Matt Sutter dons fangs at the scene of another weekend film production. You can see Rob over there in lens #2.

Commentary (6):

1. bearskinrug says… apr 12, 2005 | 7:30 am

Creepy… he’s missing molars…

2. Ian says… apr 12, 2005 | 8:18 am

What’s Rob doing over there?
Oh, he’s Hamboning!

3. wayne says… apr 12, 2005 | 9:41 am

if you’re wondering what that is dribbling down sutter’s face—it’s zazz, of course.

4. Jason Santa Maria says… apr 12, 2005 | 9:54 am

Oh, sorry, I thought that was obvious :D

5. niff says… apr 12, 2005 | 2:20 pm

WOW! that guy is hot! can i have his number? i love a man with a good bite. ;)

6. sutter says… apr 13, 2005 | 9:20 am

the best part of this is that stan is in one lens and rob is in the other - both about to be bitten.