May 12, 2005

Have a Bagel With Hank!

Have a Bagel With Hank!

I really like Hank’s pitch here. I’m sold. One bagel please.

Commentary (4):

1. bearskinrug says… may 12, 2005 | 6:40 am

Wow - that’s a pretty goddamn awesome sign.. Where was that, Staniel?

2. Ian says… may 12, 2005 | 8:39 am

Almost “History of Quadruped” in it’s orange-and-blueness.

3. Dean says… may 12, 2005 | 2:43 pm

I am reminded but this of one of our favorite books around our house: The Orange Book by Richard McGuire.

See his amazing illustration style here.

(seems to not be available through Amazon…)

4. Jason Santa Maria says… may 12, 2005 | 6:40 pm

bearskinrug: It was on the side of one of those mobile lunch carts in NY.

Dean: oooo, nice stuff.