May 18, 2005

Snip Snip

Snip Snip

In between matches, Sutter grabbed a haircut. Look at the determination in his eyes… he’s about to drop some shit in the next game.

Commentary (4):

1. Ian says… may 18, 2005 | 8:22 am

Stan, I don’t know if you realize it or not, but your camera does great stuff.

2. Smallest Photo says… may 18, 2005 | 8:53 pm

maybe he’s just thinking about the circumcision that proceeds the haircut.

3. sutter says… may 19, 2005 | 10:27 am

Both of those chins are gonna kick some wicked shuttlecock ass

4. JennyBunny says… jun 4, 2005 | 10:15 pm

look at his eyes…exactly how high is he?