December 19, 2005

Coat Rack

Coat Rack

At the Pixelworthy Christmas party.

Commentary (9):

1. Ian says… dec 19, 2005 | 8:33 am

That would be one of those things that would scare the crap out of you everytime you came in the room, regardless of how many years passed since your crazy uncle bequeathed it to you.

2. Jason Santa Maria says… dec 19, 2005 | 8:45 am

Along with his cursed trophy rat?

3. Smallest Photo says… dec 19, 2005 | 9:10 am

hey wait a minute! Isn’t that some thinnly veiled Breadstick movie reference???

4. Ian says… dec 19, 2005 | 10:19 am

Heh, he called it Breadstick.

5. Smallest Photo says… dec 19, 2005 | 12:39 pm

Sorry -I do try to be hep. (clears throat) BREDSTIK!!!!!!!!

6. Rachael says… dec 19, 2005 | 3:21 pm

I think I’ve had nightmares about this…

7. Dean says… dec 19, 2005 | 4:30 pm

I bet the coat is toasty warm from the light when you’re ready to put it on and step outside again. Nice for winter weather.

8. Ian says… dec 19, 2005 | 9:40 pm

I think doing so, Dean, would solicit a tackling from the bouncer.
BTW, Stan, way to catch the shadow of the window lettering, pretty forward-reading hotness.

9. Jason Santa Maria says… dec 20, 2005 | 6:54 am

Ian: That’s what I was originally trying to take a picture of… concentrating on remaining steady with a belly full of beer.