March 29, 2007



Commentary (5):

1. Ricky Irvine says… mar 29, 2007 | 10:20 am

Seems so harsh. In what context is this notification?

2. Jason Santa Maria says… mar 29, 2007 | 10:24 am

These were at all of the entrances to the Public Garden in Boston.

3. Jared says… mar 29, 2007 | 1:29 pm

I noticed these too. I wanted to snap a photo of them, but my batteries were dead at that point.

4. Kirk says… mar 30, 2007 | 3:30 am

Wonder if they’d allow Big Wheels?

5. Steve Lindstrom says… mar 30, 2007 | 11:33 am

Big Wheels are sweet, but since they didn’t say anything about pogo-sticks I would be forced to partake…