May 27, 2005

Tagged on Broad

Tagged on Broad

Philly can only afford to keep half the signs clean.

Commentary (5):

1. bearskinrug says… may 27, 2005 | 8:30 am


Where’s this station?

2. Jason Santa Maria says… may 27, 2005 | 8:32 am

On Broad St…

3. bearskinrug says… may 27, 2005 | 9:30 am


I didn’t see the title…

lousy stan… so sarcastic…

4. Ian says… may 27, 2005 | 2:51 pm

I wonder how a ‘tagger’ would look upon defacing nice signage lettering like that. Maybe there’s a reason it’s still intact.

5. Smallest Photo says… may 27, 2005 | 11:51 pm

i was wondering the same thing Ian.…