November 28, 2005



Well, there is no photo today because I woke up this morning to a dark room… my apartment building’s power was out, which meant I couldn’t grab a photo off of my computer. So, today will be: describe-a-photo-day! Describe what photo you would like to see pictured above. Exercise your brain!

Commentary (4):

1. RJ Hampden says… nov 28, 2005 | 12:00 pm

So there’s like this tiger, right. Except that, like, he’s got 1,000 eyes. And, like, a rhino tusk. And this, like, naked chick is riding him and using the the Energy Sword from Halo2 to slice the bowels out of Dana Carvey and Mike Meyers.

2. Jason Santa Maria says… nov 28, 2005 | 12:04 pm

I believe that’s already a Boris Vallejo painting.

3. RJ Hampden says… nov 28, 2005 | 12:07 pm

A who-de-who?!!
Man, I don’t know nothing about the glowing, sweat-glazed flesh on the enormous-breasted, scantily-clothed women in your “art” “books.”
I just know I like stuff with tits, swords, tigers and horns.

4. bearskinrug says… nov 28, 2005 | 1:45 pm

I believe I see Stan giving me a 100 dollar bill!

I think we should stage this one later…