September 1, 2005

Old and Less Old

Old and Less Old

A leftover from last year’s sojourn in Italy.

Commentary (4):

1. Pierro Fissore says… sep 1, 2005 | 8:36 am

There are 14 houses on this block. This one was #9 when everyone walked upsidedown. Now that things are rightsideup, it’s conveniently become the 6th house on the block.

2. Matt Davis says… sep 1, 2005 | 8:55 am

Maybe this is a clue to the lost fortune of the Duke of Santa Maria!

3. Smallest Photo says… sep 1, 2005 | 5:51 pm

Phew! One six shy of evil.

4. JCRogers says… sep 4, 2005 | 10:14 pm

In another twenty years, they’ll add another, regardless of the legibility of the other two, and you’ll have your devil-building!