Oddities & Diversions: January 2004

January 30, 2004

Pixar ditches the Mouse, saves eternal soul

Whale explodes in Taiwanese city

January 29, 2004

The Minibosses cover old Nintendo theme music!

January 28, 2004

Give it up Napster

January 27, 2004

Great Flash site, South.uk.net

Tim Burton’s The Corpse Bride

RobotJohnny is a fun little sketch blog

January 26, 2004

Play MASH online!

January 12, 2004

Act now and it will only cost your business $399 to annoy the fuck out of your website’s visitors! Or if you already have a slick Flash intro for your site, why not drop another $199 and make shit spin around your logo! Hot!

January 11, 2004

Design agency Rokkan has a very nice site.

January 6, 2004

Mr. Moock updates flash detection for the masses, Moockfpi.

January 5, 2004

Born Magazine: Winter 2004

Boy gets stuck in supermarket game machine