Oddities & Diversions: November 2004

November 24, 2004

dsandler.org redesign

dsandler.org sports a nice, clean, and fluid redesign.

Aaron Ruell Photography

Aaron Ruell, who did the hot title designs for Napoleon Dynamite, is also an outstanding photographer. (via DO)

November 22, 2004

Computer Nerd?

Whenever you think you may be a computer nerd, look at this and reconsider.

November 18, 2004

Raimi plans to rewake The Evil Dead

Raimi plans to rewake The Evil Dead. Say it ain’t so! Why waste your time? Do something new!

Death Row Diaries, Part II

Can watercolors change how you perceive a killer? Death Row Diaries, Part II, with wonderful illustrations from the talented Danny Gregory.

November 17, 2004


Clientcopia, Coping with stupid clients: Quotes, Comments & Remarks. My story.

Inman ripped again

Good golly, does tobidavid.com (since taken down) look familiar to any of you. I am sure it does to Shaun. There is a clear difference between “inspired by” and “stolen from”.

November 16, 2004

Disney to move forward on Toy Story 3 without Pixar

Disney to move forward on Toy Story 3, without Pixar. Why, that sounds like a splendid idea! Oh, wait, no it doesn’t. That’s awful. All that money Disney… can’t you hire someone with a decent thought in their head?

November 15, 2004

MTCalendar Fix

MTCalendar Fix from Jason Beaird. I didn’t even realize I had a problem.

The Perry Bible Fellowship

The Perry Bible Fellowship is a dark and hilarious weekly comic strip where optimistic bastards often get their comeuppance.

November 12, 2004


Paolo Tonon: space4future, beautiful and very different looking Standards site.

New Casshern Trailer

New Casshern trailer (video). I still don’t have any idea what the hell is going on in this movie, but it looks visually stunning.

November 11, 2004

A Career in Graphic Design – in Three Acts

A Career in Graphic Design – in Three Acts, interesting bit about the lifecycle of a designer.

November 10, 2004


Cycleball is some crazy sort of soccer-esque sport played by people who are very skillful cyclists. Amazing.

Straight male seeks Bush supporter for fair, physical fight

From Craig’s list: Straight male seeks Bush supporter for fair, physical fight

November 9, 2004

Stylegala v2

Stylegala v2 launches with lots of new goodies including forums and this very Oddities feed, as well as feeds from other sites.

Three Sisters

Marshall Sokoloff once again proves how much better he is than all of us at photography with his collection Three Sisters over at FILE.

Firefox 1.0!

Firefox 1.0 is here! Bask in the glow.

November 8, 2004

Greg Graffin, vocalist for Bad Religion, has decided to publish his Ph.D. dissertation on evolution and its conflict with religion and make it available for purchase at CornellEvolutionProject.org.

Delicious Library now available! Anyone want to give me an iSight camera?

November 5, 2004

Two new Sin City posters. Looks intriguing. I am still hanging on to hopes that this won’t suck.

November 4, 2004

Daniel Clowes, of Eightball and Ghost World fame, had an Apple Switch Ad?! Why the hell did this never air?

Eric Meyer’s Uncollapsing Margins

November 3, 2004

So the wrong candidate has won, and you want to leave the country. Let us consider your options.

Rogue Taxidermy is really creepy.

Jason Beaird redesigns in a big way. Looking good!

November 1, 2004

Sacfree is liberty for your balls! Sacfree protects and supports your dong in a bag-like pouch. Oh dear god.